Friday, December 03, 2010

How did it get to be Friday already?

The time is passing so quickly.  I've made the decision not to worry too much about the Christmas lists until after the craft fair tomorrow.  So officially, tomorrow afternoon is when I am going to have a panic attack.  Around 3.   So with that planned, I'm helping my daughter a little bit with the crafts tonight, and while I'm doing that, I'm going to watch a couple episodes of The Mentalist.  I just now got back from returning movies at the library and going to the grocery, something I truly, truly hate.  I always come out of the grocery store feeling like a complete, utter failure as a shopper and as a human being.  I stayed under the budget tonight, but I feel that our budget is too high and I could easily skim at lot off of it if only I would just focus and do better.  I ran into a friend on the way in, whom I know for a fact, only spends about 40 dollars a week to feed a family of 5.  Once a while back, she went crazy and spent about 60.  By that standard, I spend absolutely an insane amount tonight. 

I hate grocery shopping.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could get our food bill down to $50.00 a week, even tho it is just my husband, my daughter and myself I still spend way to much a week on food also : (
