Friday, December 10, 2010

Getting there, school and other things.

My attitude is better now.  I had a really nice time at both the movie and the party.  The only thing is, at parties like this, I feel a little bit of the odd one out when people start talking about kids and school.  Being the lone homeschooler in a group of several people makes me feel a little bit weird, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.  It's been great for our family.  Speaking of school, we're still on track to get over halfway done by Christmas.  I may take a couple of days out of those to clean and we still won't be behind.  It will be nice for me if there is some deep cleaning done before the holiday begins.  It will help me enjoy it more.  I don't think the kids will feel the same way, but they'll help me anyway.  :-P 

The movie we saw today was Voyage of the Dawn Treader, one of the Narnia stories. I feel that I should read the books because even though I've seen all 3 movies, I feel like I'm missing about 75% of the story.  Right now I have a stack of books on my desk that is 5 high, but I haven't had time to read them and I'm not sure when I will.

Gotta get this shopping done!


  1. I agree: You NEED to read the Chronicles of Narnia. The movies are better done than most based off of books but the books are wonderful. Our family went through 2 sets of paperbacks versions then we decided to invest in hardback. Read them several times as read alouds and each child read them at least twice on their own. My daughter-in-law picks them up to read when she visits.

    Wait til January, though :)

  2. That will give me something to keep me busy in January. We'll probably do it as a read-aloud.
