Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, the last day of November!

I'm in my yearly denial phase that it could possibly be December first tomorrow.  We've made no progress on the Christmas lists.  I have done a few of the thing I had planned for this week.  I was planning on taking my oldest son in to be fitted for his orthotic tomorrow but he's got some kind of killer death flu and feels horrible, so that's more than likely going to have to be postponed.  Despite all 3 of  the kids getting this cold/flu syndrome this week, we're still doing school.  They aren't even really complaining about it.   We're doing pretty well on our days this year, on target to be a little more than halfway done by Christmas and yes, I realize that I should not have written that because something will happen to throw it off, but it always does anyway, so I'll just go ahead and say it.  Maybe some kind of miracle will occur and we will be halfway done by Christmas.  I went to Walmart (yes, again) today for cold medicine, Fruit Breezers, Cold-Eeze and bought every single thing on my list, did not forget the list at home, in the car or drop it in the parking lot or in store, so hey, miracles CAN happen. 

The younger kids are mostly past the yuckiest part of the cold/flu thingy and they are spending their spare time working on items to sell at a homeschool craft fair that we're going to on Saturday.  They've made 54 refrigerator magnets in the last couple of days.  My daughter is also making ribbon bookmarks.  They've also put the Christmas tree up and have spent quite a bit of time decking the halls.  At one point earlier today we had a Halloween windsock on the porch, a Thanksgiving wreath on the door and Christmas decor inside but the Christmas wreath is up on the door now.  I don't know if anyone's tall enough to get the Halloween windsock down except my husband so that is probably still up there.  

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I am working on an attitude of gratitude and contentment this week, trying to be happy with what I have.   I do have a lot, but sometimes I have a tendency to focus on the things I don't have and want.  I need to work on that.  It's a process. 

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