Sunday, November 14, 2010

School pictures.

Since we're homeschoolers, we don't automatically get a package of school pictures sent to us a couple of times a year.  We have to arrange for them ourselves.  I've tried a number of different places through the years but those commercial photo studios always leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.  I feel guilty for not buying every pose and yet I also always feel that I've spent way too much money.  So today I'm having a friend who does photography as a weekend business take some photos of the kids.  I'm excited about it, but not nearly as excited about it as my friend. She keeps emailing me with suggestions and ideas.  It's really cute. 


  1. Good luck with your school pictures. I love having updated pictures of my kids.

  2. We have school pics through our homeschool group, but I haven't been good about getting this done. I hate that because I was saving 8 x 10's to do albums for them. It just wasnt something that I made a priority. I need to get some professionals done or have someone to do some family shots for us!

  3. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I hope they turn out great! I had a friend do dd's head shots and ended up using some for our christmas photo card!! I try to take a picture every year in front of our tree.
