Monday, October 18, 2010

.Monday ramblings.

Uh oh.  I can't find my calendar this morning.  I think my son has an appointment with the orthopedist today. Okay, I found it. Yes, he does.  We're actually going to get a second opinion on whether the amount of pain my son is still experiencing is normal.  My own foot is not hurting in the same place, but is still tender, so I guess we'll limp in there together later today.  Meanwhile, we've got work and school.  Fall break is over and we've got to get going again.  I'd kind of like to take a second week of break from school and get a bunch of home improvement projects done while the weather is nice, but I don't know if we'll be able to stand on our feet that long?  So I guess we'll just do school and regular work.  I've still got a little bit of planning to do for 4H tomorrow and I just got an email letting me know that there is no work in my hospital yet this morning, so I think I'll look up some things for 4H a little before I go to work.  Nothing exciting so far today, but sometimes that is a good thing.

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