Thursday, October 21, 2010

As usual, rethinking.

I'm thinking about readjusting our school schedule.   Again.   The thing is we're just not getting some things done and they bug me being on the schedule and not getting done so I am going to have to either take them off or get busy doing them.  Nine times out of ten, probably the reason we don't get them done is that I don't feel like it.  Yes, frequently it is Mom who has the attitude problem.  The kids will do it if I tell them they have to.   We are getting the basics in, but sometimes the extras get pushed aside and procrastinated about.  Today I don't feel all that great because I have a headache and an inner ear infection but I did read part of My Side of the Mountain which we need to read for our Bring a Book To Life field trip next month.   We were also supposed to sand the woodworking project chair, but we couldn't find sandpaper so we didn't.  Sometimes I feel that if I were a good homeschool teacher, I'd know where the sandpaper is but I've just got to work with what I've got. limited attention span, limited time and sometimes limited ambition.  Ah well.  Most of it gets done and the basics are always covered in the first 2 days of the week.  That makes me feel somewhat better.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to read about your plans/adventures that take place for the book "My side of the mountain", That is our next book we are going to read too. I am looking for any unit studies or lesson plans to go with it so anything you can add would be great.
