Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Working someplace else

is not the same as working at home, even if it is my mom's house and I don't have to do my hair, wear makeup or follow any type of dress code.  I'm still a work outside the home mom who can't throw in a load of laundry, load the dishwasher or put something in the crock pot any time I want.  I can't nag encourage the kids to do their school work on a regular basis.   It's made, so far, for a very frustrating school year as I try to figure out how in the world to cope with it.  Add 2 times a week occupational therapy to that, 4H, youth groups, etc. and I feel like I am out of the house all the time.  I have told the kids that they need to get everything done that they can before I get home, but today I couldn't even come home between work and therapy.  I had to go straight to therapy, then when we got home from there, it was time to take the 2 older kids to youth group, then back to mom's house to type a couple more jobs to get my line count up to the minimum and then back to pick the other 2 up before finally returning home at 8:00 p.m. 

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