Friday, September 17, 2010

Why I share.

Okay, I debated putting some whiny posts up this week.  Sometimes when I am blogging, I go by the "if you don't have something nice to say" rule and sometimes I won't post for a couple of days.  This week, however, I decided to just be real with it.  Sometimes life is hard.  Sometimes homeschooling gets put on the back burner for a while.  When things get difficult, I am not tempted to put the kids back into school.  I know this difficult time will pass and more rewarding times will come  and i also know that having 3 kids in 2 different public schools  in 2 different towns would not be easy.  We've done the public school thingy and we don't like getting up early, following other peoples ideas about what we should learn and when, doing homework or wearing uniforms.  I know my older 2 kids would give me an awful battle about ever putting on a school uniform again. 

I really don't want anyone reading my blog to think that it's always easy, it's always wonderful and I never have any trouble at all balancing school and work and elder care and a marriage -- that it all comes easy to me and I never have any down time.  I do and that's real.

So if you're a new/young homeschooler and it's not going all that well, know that everyone has difficult times and be good to yourself.  This too, shall pass.

I hope soon.


  1. Good ppost! So true.


  2. I appreciate your commitment to homeschooling and your family through all the times: good, bad, hard, tiring, exciting, funny, fun, and rewarding. Thanks for staying the course.

  3. That is why I love your blog... You tell it like is instead of sugar coating it like so many other blogs do.
    Best Wishes,
