Friday, September 10, 2010

Today, therapy and cookies and other things.

Today I took my youngest for his occupational therapy appointment.  He's doing really well with his handwriting.  While I was there, one of the physical therapists noticed my limp and assessed my foot, which he said looked like a sprain of a tendon on the inside of  the ankle.  He also advised rest, ice, elevation and ibuprofen, but I'm not sure how much rest I can give it.   I'll try though.  The good news is he didn't think it was too serious.  It sure hurts though. 

After the appointment, we went to the grocery where we saw some gluten free, egg free, dairy free cookie mix.  My youngest said he could imagine the advertisement for those cookies, "Anyone can eat these cookies!  They taste terrible, but anyone can eat them!"

Then we went to a Chinese restaurant to get fried rice to go with our crock pot beef and broccoli.  I let my son have the fortune cookie and it said "A quiet night with friends is the tonic for a long day."  He said, that it wasn't a fortune cookie, but an advice cookie.  Then he said he'd rather have a true fortune cookie, a cookie with a fortune in it.  :-)   I said "you'll probably have a quiet evening with your siblings tonight" and he said 'yeah, they're my 2 best friends."

My oldest son is not feeling well today, he has an upset stomach and a slight fever and feels kind of icky.  I don't know if it is still some of what he had last week or something else.  While youngest and I were gone, he was lying down and my daughter finished her school work and ran the dishwasher on her own without being asked!  I loved it.

1 comment:

  1. That was so sweet of your son saying his sister & brother are two of his best friends! Life could not get any better : )
