Thursday, September 23, 2010


We went to town today to run some errands and my youngest wasn't interested in several of the stores we went in so he was walking through the stores reading a book while my daughter and I shopped.  Three different people asked me how I got him to enjoy reading.  I didn't know what to say.  Later, I asked my kids how I got them to like reading and they said that I read to them but didn't make them read.  I also bring home interesting books from the library all the time and I used to model reading to them.  Since my Dad passed away in January, I've went from reading several books a week, to almost not reading at all. I've only read a few books in all those months.  I'm not sure why, but I just haven't been able to read very much.  What I have read has been nonfiction, books on being gluten free mostly..  I still check a bunch of books out of the library every week, but they are all things I think the kids would be interested in.   :-/

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