Thursday, September 09, 2010

Random thoughts for Today, Thursday, September 9, 2010.

Okay, sometimes I'm here and I'm thinking and planning and on top of things and really with it, but this is not one of those times.  I'm kind of scattered or something this morning. It may be that just haven't had enough coffee yet.  I do have a list of things I need to do today and the list doesn't seem impossible, so that's good.   Yesterday turned out well.  I got the arrangements taken care of for our homeschool 4H club.  I got a couple of things done for my mom that I had been meaning to do.  We went to the library and I got a bunch of books for the educational practice of strewing that I have been practicing a lot lately.  I don't make the kids read the books, I just bring them home and put them on the couch or the kitchen table and before I know it, the kids are reading them and telling me a bunch of things they are learning.   That part of school is going well although the more formal part of school has been kind of hit and miss lately. 

After 6 years of homeschooling, I've come to realize that this is just the way it goes.  We will probably have a period of  time soon when things are going really well with the formal part of school.  This will most likely happen the first week or two of October when the public school kids go on fall break and I'll be reluctant to tell my kids about fall break because I won't want to mess up the wonderful momentum but then someone we see out somewhere will say "Are you enjoying fall break"? and my kids will turn to me with that accusing look in their eyes ... and then we'll take a fall break and it will be right before Christmas break that we hit our stride again ... 

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