Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's about that time.

It's about time for us to sit down as a family and evaluate our school year, what's working and what's not.  I know that we're not getting as much time to do things as I had originally hoped.  The kids do not want to start doing schooly things while I am gone and have been spending a ton of time reading and working on their own various projects.  They have been a little bit better at it this week since I told them that I wanted them to be at least halfway done when I got home.  My oldest is teaching himself programming with Python and told me only half jokingly, that he was "too busy learning to do school".   Anyway, we need to try and work things out so that we at least get most things done ...  


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Hey girl, a quick question for you...are you a medical transcriptionist?? I am thinking of going to college (yikes, been out of school 30+ years) so I can work at home and would like to hear from you about it all.
    You are always so busy!!

  2. Yes, I am a medical transcriptionist. Just tell me what you want to know. You can email me at dpsorrell at
