Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good day.

I got my work done in record time and the kids got a passable amount of schoolwork done and we were on our way to 4H by 1:30.  We had a great time.  The kids made sour dough bread and played board games while the bread was rising.  Then we went to Fazoli's for our once-a-month dinner with the homeschool group.  I can't eat anything that Fazoli's sells, (except the salads, which I don't like) so I took some chicken salad and some of the gluten free bread I made the other day in the bread machine.  We had a very nice time.  I do need to plan what we're doing for 4H next month, so I should work on that soon, before I forget.  We're thinking of doing home ec type things.  I did talk to the 4H lady about the Reality Fair idea I had and she gave me a whole book on how to do it.  Cool, huh?

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