Friday, August 20, 2010

Ups and downs.

This has been a week of ups and downs.  Good things that have happened include school going pretty well and work going okay.  My brother gave me a big old box of gluten free bread, pizza crusts and bagels.  I got to have a grilled cheese sandwich and a BLT (a treat for someone who is gluten free).  Other good things, let's see ... one of our pumpkins got ripe.  Okay, I realize I'm kind of stretching it with the pumpkin ... but it is in my nature to try and focus on the good and for some reason I've enjoyed that crazy pumpkin vine this summer.  The pumpkin in the tree got big and fell out some time this week.  I wrote a guest post for another blog about going gluten free and got a lot of positive feedback from that.  I also lost 3 more pounds.

On the bad side of things, I don't really want to go into any details, but in some ways, this has been a very tough week.  I'm not feeling physically all that great this week and I'm coping with some things I don't want to have to cope with.   I'd appreciate your prayers and warm thoughts.


  1. Awesome that you had such a good week in some areas, especially on losing another 3 pounds, so sorry to hear about you not feeling well. Good luck on working through things. My prayers are with you.

  2. Prayers, warm thoughts, and *Hugs-a-bunch*! It wasn't the best week for me either...
