Monday, August 09, 2010

Is this my house?

I came home from work to find that all of the Life of Fred math was done and at least the younger 2 kids wanted to do more.  They love it.   Here are some of the comments "It's fun and it's funny."  "I want to do another chapter."  "Can we do Life of Fred for the rest of school, every grade?".   Older son is also doing a Life of Fred book on geometry and Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2 which he doesn't seem to hate but it didn't get the rave reviews that Life of Fred did with the other 2 kids.   He said that it was easier working on his own with it than what he used last year and that he shouldn't have to ask Dad any questions because it was all explained in the book.  So anyway, the math part of the block schedule week seemed to go well.  I kind of felt like I'd went away and come home to the wrong house. :-)  The picture below is "Fred".
Advantages of homeschooling that I've noticed this week.
  1. We didn't have to brave the school supplies aisle at Walmart
  2. We didn't have to buy school uniforms.
  3. We don't have to spend hours away from each other.
  4. We don't have to worry about bus wrecks. (I was in one as a kid and then our      oldest son  was in a very minor one and now it's kind of a phobia to me.)
  5. PE involves the Wii and the pool.
  6. We didn't have to get up early.

1 comment:

  1. I did brave the school supply sales... But at my leisure. I wasn't running around frantically with a list in my hand. ;o)
