Saturday, August 07, 2010


I spent some time this morning tweaking the schedule and I'm pretty pleased with it  From this side of trying it, it looks wonderful.  It is such a beautiful thing.  I blocked out Monday for math and also part of Wednesday morning, so the kids can meet with their Dad and discuss any problems that they had with the work he assigned on Monday.  The other days, we'll try and get in the writing, biology, spelling, DVDs, woodworking, going to the library, home ec, assigned reading and various other things.  It looks pretty well perfect now and we won't know what the problems are until we actually start it on Monday.  It's kind of like putting a home-made boat on the water for the first time.  It might leak. 

I guess we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. You have sparked an interest in me with the way you are going to try your schedule. Blocking out days for particular subjects sounds like it might be something very attainable to our family. If you get a chance it would be great to see your updated schedule. Good luck
