Friday, August 27, 2010

School, week 3 and other things.

Fair week is always kind of different around here, since we put in a lot of time enjoying ourselves at the fair.  Going to the fair one day is an excused absence in the Kentucky schools both public and private and the other day is a FIELD TRIP!!!.  Fun. We saw a lot of kids there on Wednesday with their school classes.  That would terrify me as a teacher, trying to keep up with 20 or more kids in that crowd!  Sometimes I'm afraid I'll lose one of my 3. 

Anyway, we're still in the process of trying to get back to 'normal' whatever that is.  Today we did a pretty decent job of getting school done in and around the other things we needed to do.  The kids did most things while I was working, then I came home, checked in with them and then went back out to do the grocery shopping and other errands.  We just finished up with a cooking class at about 5:30 p.m.  They made the turkey dinner from this site.  It's yummy.  Here, we serve it over mashed potatoes instead of pasta so I won't have to make 2 different kinds of pasta and we use chicken instead of turkey because my daughter imagines that she doesn't like turkey. 

That's the same web site where I got the beef and broccoli recipe that we loved so much last week.  The woman who writes it has a book called Make It Fast, Cook It Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking and I'm thinking of giving that book as a wedding gift for future weddings, since the recipes of hers that I've tried have been very good.  I might have to try a few more myself though ... she has one called "Slow Cooker Peanut Butter Cup".  Hmmm.   That one might have to be next Friday's cooking lesson. 

In other news youngest son's therapy session for his handwriting went really well yesterday. His therapist, Ms. Joyce, can get him to do so much more than I can without him complaining, it's crazy.  She rewards him with getting to throw a ball at a trampoline and catch it, which he loves to do, so it's a win-win.  He has written more this week than he ever has in his life and he's doing a good job too. 

We've been doing a nutrition unit that I got from CurrClick (Nutrition and Health by Cecelia Darby) and the kids have had to keep a food diary this past week.  It's funny, when I asked them what they wanted from the grocery store, they listed a ton of fruits and vegetables!  :-P  I was hoping that the food diary would make them more aware and it did.  I don't know how long it will last, but I'm hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to check out that cookbook, everything sounds sooo good!
    Glad you all had fun at the fair!
