Sunday, August 01, 2010

Maybe I'm getting better at this.

I've typed up a tentative schedule and  placed an order from Rainbow Resource.  It didn't take as long as I thought it would.  We should have our things in plenty of time to start school, officially, on August 9th.  The local public schools here start on Wednesday.  Here's a picture of the schedule on my computer.   The kids will probably think it is too ambitious and there will probably be a ton of whining for the first few days weeks.   We just use a simple checklist system around here.  We've tried all different types of schedules and lists but this seems to be what works best.  Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago how long it took the kids to get their school work done each day and I said "2 to 3 hours for the older 2 kids and 16-18 hours a day for the youngest."  He procrastinates a little.  This year we'll be working around the fact that I'll be gone to mom's and working during the middle of the day.  I'm not sure how that will work out.  It seems to me like it's going to be pretty stressful, but I don't know.  I can picture that every day I'll come home and they won't have even gotten started, but I hope that's not the case.

In other news, the beanbag chair is mostly finished.  It just needs some more stuffing.  I was proud of my daughter for following the pattern and even putting in zippers.  There is still quite a bit of styrofoam in the house but we're working on it.  Kind of.  Actually, we haven't done very much today.  All of us have been feeling kind of tired.    Here's a picture of the chair with Freckles in it.  She likes it very much.  Wasn't it thoughtful of my daughter to make her such a nice, big doggy bed?

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