Thursday, August 12, 2010

The fourth day of the first week of school.

I'm still loving the block schedule.  It seems to work really well and with math and language arts the first 2 days, as my friend said "even if the whole rest of the week goes bad, the basics are still covered."  So true.  It's freeing to think that the math, grammar and language arts are already covered for the week.  Today, we did
music, assigned reading (which is health related), home ec (cleaning) and the daily exercise.  We skipped woodworking because it stormed this afternoon and I had to leave to go to a doctor's appointment (just a checkup).  Tomorrow, we've got typing, 4H project work and several DVDs to watch.  It kind of feels like cheating, like we're not working hard enough and honestly, with it being the first week and having several interuptions already, we have not hit every subject as hard as we could have.  I'm hoping we'll build up some momentum.  I also have some things I'll be adding in, social studies for the eldest, which I already own, and just forgot about and we'll also be doing a nutrition unit.  He's still teaching himself computer programming and animation and my daughter's doing an extensive self-taught sewing class and jewelry making class.  The youngest seems to be preparing to become a philosopher and has been giving me some very wise advice lately, which I should follow, but haven't.

I think the block schedule is a keeper.


  1. So glad your schedule is working for you! Question, do you schedule a weeks worth (5 days) of work like math, grammar, whatever, and do it on the scheduled block day, or do you not set the work up like that? I think it is working for us, just not sure if I am trying to do a normal daily schedule cramming subjects into 1 day a week/subject. Hope that came out right :[

  2. What we are trying to do is a whole week's worth of math on Monday, then a week's worth of language arts on Tuesday, etc.
    The only things this doesn't work for are chores, exercise and other things that have to be done daily. We decided today that the 2who play guitar probably should practice a little each day.

  3. Thank you so much! That's what I was pretty sure you had done, but wanted to clarify it. That's what we are trying, not working too bad. Will work out better next week (after I've had the time to organize what I want them to do first). Continued good luck on how good your schedule is working for your family ;)
