Thursday, July 15, 2010

Still busy.

We're doing summer reading again today but this is the last day of the regular activities and tomorrow, it looks like we'll just have work and go to the pool after that.  Not too bad.  Today, I could have spent the morning at home, but I wanted to go to a local orchard to get some peaches, so my daughter and I did that.  It's not as local an orchard as one would hope, but it's the closest I can find.  We have to drive about 40 minutes to get there.  We ended up buying peaches, tomatoes, peppers and blackberries and I think it's going to be so worth it.  We went straight from there to summer reading and we're still at the library so I haven't tasted any of it yet although my daughter ate about half of the blackberries between the orchard and here.   I think that even I have had enough of the library this week.  I'm tired of being here and I'm glad the week is almost over although we have enjoyed it, I'm just tired of not being home. 

We have been neglecting our summer adventure list a little because we've been busy and I think it's probably going to stretch into fall.  I need to go through the list and make sure that we do the ones that we can't postpone until fall so we can get those done.  Interestingly, I saw a book at Walmart the other day about summer fun with kids and it had almost all of the same ideas that are on our list, so I guess we're doing good.  Last night, the younger 2 kids set up the tent in the living room and slept in it, much to the confusion of the dogs, but the kids enjoyed it.  I was going to camp with them, but they decided not do to the air mattress and I would have had to sleep on the floor so I wimped out.  Some things you just can't do after  a certain age or maybe it's a certain weight?  I don't know which it is but sleeping on the floor makes my bones hurt. 

Only 25 more minutes and I get to go HOME! 

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