Saturday, July 03, 2010

Really, really random thoughts.

That is what this blog is all about, random thoughts, right?  (Look at the header ;-P)  Anyway, here are some of my random thoughts for today - and trust me, they are not related to each other at all.   

Cascade works better in the dishwasher than I could have imagined.  I thought the store brand would do just as well and I have always used them, but then another blogger (someone whose blog I can't find my way back to) said that Cascade is worth the money, so I tried it and it is.

Heaven to me would include a lot of summer things, hammocks, pools, watermelon, peaches, flowers, homegrown tomatoes, butterflies and blackberries, but no mosquitos, ticks or allergy eyes.   

Oldest son is not walking today.  Yesterday he must've gotten ahead of himself, because today his ankle hurts.  :-(

Finally, we got started on our spring cleaning!  Better late than never, right?   I made a list of all the things I want to get done for "spring" cleaning and the kids started on the boy's room and I started on the kitchen.   We made some really good progress.  I am very proud.   I got a NCIS DVD from Netflix today and I'm cleaning for a while, then watching NCIS for a while, my own clean and screen. 

I made my youngest get in the pool.  Is that bad?  His sister really wanted him to so I told him that he had to because he needed the exercise.  I feel funny making someone do what should be a fun activity (and he is having fun out there, I just checked), but he tends to choose inside things too often lately.

Thai rice noodles make a really good substitute for spaghetti for non-gluten eaters.*  I bought them a month or so ago and just got around to making them today.  I really enjoyed them with meat sauce and parmesean cheese.    Some of you who know me personally will note that I am cooking again.  For a while after my Dad passed away in January, I was not cooking, not reading, not homeschooling and not cleaning.  My family picked up the slack while I was in a grief induced kind of inertia.  I still miss Dad very much, but I am beginning to do things again.   I still am not reading much, which is not like me, but there it is.  I hope to get that part of myself back soon.  I used to really enjoy reading.   :-(

Reading reminds me of my next random thought -- my daughter got a letter from the county attorney today regarding an overdue library book.  Can you believe that?  They really want that book back.   We had planned to take it yesterday, but we forgot.  I guess we'd better get on that.  I don't want my daughter to have to do any jail time.

*Update:   Apparently these taste exactly like the real thing because I just went in the kitchen to get some more and found that my youngest son had eaten the rest of my gluten free 'spaghetti" instead of eating the regular spaghetti leftovers and he didn't even notice a difference.   Although, you should take his opinion with a grain of salt, because my daughter said that he once ate taco meat on a bun because he thought it was Manwich ...

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