Monday, July 12, 2010

Many things.

We've been up to a lot of different things around here.  It's been a very busy day.  First, we had to get up early and take the 4H county fair entries to the fairgrounds and get them registered.  That took a while because we had several projects and there seems to be quite a bit of paperwork to do on each one.  We could figure out which category to enter my daughter's homemade littlest pets in (she's made another smaller one since I put that one ((pictured above)) on my blog a while back).  Finally, we entered it in the home economics section.  The registration person didn't know how to describe it so I told him it was a stuffed cat and baby.  My daughter looked at me indignantly and said that the big one was a cat and the smaller one was a chipmunk, so the boy writing the description wrote "Cat with adopted chipmunk" on the form. 

Then, I went to work.  At 1:20 I stopped work so I could take the younger 2 kids to the library summer reading program.  They don't actually ask the kids to read for the summer reading program anymore because they feel like the kids have to read so many books during the school year that they don't want to burden them.  Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?  Anyway, the kids made a water garden/container pond in a jar with live plants which they got to bring home and then they had a drawing for door prizes.  My daughter won a betta fish in the drawing, so now we have a fish.  I hope he lives longer than the last ones did.   We've already had one "I think he's dead!" scare.   Tomorrow's theme for the summer reading program is a pirate party.

After the summer reading program, I had to work for another hour and then we finally got to come home.  By this time it was after 5 o'clock.    My husband had cooked pork chops last night so I cooked a couple of veggies to go with them and we had dinner.   Now we need to decide what to do with our evening.  Maybe the pool? 

In other news, I won a blog award, a Versatile Blogger Award from Waterdreamer.   Thanks for noticing me!   I don't wanna pick 15 other bloggers to award it to because I'm very tired today but I will share 7 random things about myself, just for your reading enjoyment.

1.   I have had about 14 different jobs including being a receptionist, a head start teacher and a food stamp caseworker. 
2.   I put salt on butter pecan ice cream, yes on purpose.
3.   Except for when I was in college and lived in a dormitory, I have always lived within the same 3 mile radius. 
4.   My toenails are currently blue.
5.   I check so many books out of the library that today one of the librarians publicly thanked me for boosting their circulation numbers.
6.   I grew up with one brother but was reunited with my long-lost sister, the child from my Dad's first marriage, 2 years ago.
7.   I like to make a lot of lists. 

Thanks again for my award!

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