Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Getting a few things done.

We are doing some long overdue spring cleaning this week, working on it for a while each day after I come home from work.   In the boy's room, spring cleaning is taking on more of the character of an archeological dig and they are finding things they haven't seen in a while.  The way it has been working is I send all 3 kids into the boy's room, because my daughter's room doesn't need to be cleaned up and she is (obviously) the only one of the 3 of them with much cleaning skill.  They don't want me in there because I use way too many trash bags when I clean their rooms.  So I've been doing things like cleaning out the fridge, the cabinets and washing curtains and they work constantly on that one room.  It's actually going better than I expected.  They have found the floor!   Usually they argue a lot when asked to clean together, but this week, they're not.  It helps that we're listening to Ranger's Apprentice on CD while we clean.  Entertainment definitely helps the cleaning go better.  

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