Saturday, July 10, 2010

Feeling kind of crabby.

Maybe I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?  Maybe it was because my husband turned on a bright light when I was sleeping or then when I went back to sleep the phone rang and woke me up, but whatever the reason I got up crabby this morning.   I'm at Mom's now, working and trying to get in a better mood but I've got a headache and I am typing echocardiograms so I don't know if that's going to work out.  I am happy about not having to work tomorrow so I need to focus on that.  I haven't had Sundays off in 8 years.  Wow, I guess it was 9 years in May.  That is the longest I've worked anywhere, even though I quit for about 6 weeks last year (thankfully they took me back) it still counts because before I quit it was still the longest I've worked anywhere.  The only time in my adult life that I have not worked is one year from when my oldest turned 1 year old until he turned 2 and during that time I completed my medical transcription training so I don't know if that counts. 

Anyway, I am really feeling the need to decide what we are going to do with the kids for homeschool this year, but still have not worked on it even the littlest bit.  I guess we all 5 need to sit down and hammer out a plan?   Blah. 

I think maybe some chocolate would help.  My chocolate flavored Slim-Fast just is not getting it today. 



  1. I know...can you believe it is time to start finalizing plans for the next school year already. and with us ending late, it really seems like our summer break has whisked away. thanks for your kind words to James...he grinned big and hard. LOL!

  2. Maybe your crabbyness is due to the fact that your eldest son is gone? Your home just doesn't feel the same with him gone, does it? I know my house seems to create vacuums when one of my kids are gone.

    I think that a day off just to plan school would be in order, wouldn't it? You know, a trip to a favorite cafe, armed with prayers, pens, and paper for brainstorming. I also need to be motivated to plan but motivation is not coming. We have both had hard years and the Lord knows that.

    I think I will start with something like your list of things we would really like to do or visit and make time for those, then see how school can fit around that. I might be able to get excited about that approach to planning.

  3. :)De I'm glad I made James smile.

    Carolyn, that's a good idea to go somewhere else just to plan, I hadn't thought of a cafe. I might have to pack up my things and go somewhere.
