Thursday, July 22, 2010


So far, here's our summer adventures list.  I think it may extend until fall since my oldest can't walk very well yet and the summer is just going so quickly.   We're going to try to do at least one today, in addition to cleaning.  I may actually start looking at my Rainbow Resource catalog and planning the school year.  Hey, it could happen.  Anyway, here's the list.

Camp somewhere. (This could include the living room.)

Go feed fish (at large local pond).

Go feed ducks at the lake.

Go for a walk someplace we've never walked. (you see so many things you don't see while driving.)
1.   By the lake.
2.   Across a big bridge.
3.   At a local campus.
4.   At a historical site.

Rent a movie from Redbox.

Get a pizza. (This may not seem special to anyone else, but we almost never do it. Of course mom won't be able to partake, but that's okay!)

Play a board game (or 4)

Go wade in the creek.  (We should have done this earlier because the water is getting pretty low).

Do a science experiment from one of our books that looks fun.

Make s'mores.

Go to a park.

Go to a movie.

Make alka seltzer rockets.

Water balloons.

Visit local museum or landmark.

Visit local state park.

Look through the telescope.

Go fishing.

Make giant bubbles.

Sidewalk chalk art.

Eat dinner outside on the deck.

Catch fireflies.

Pick blackberries.

Visit an orchard.

Go to the farmer's market.

There are a few more we've thrown in the jar including some I threw in and can't remember and some my daughter threw in. 

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