Monday, June 21, 2010

Our very imperfect kitchen island.

We worked on it again today.  This time, we thought we had finished it, but something brushed against it and now I have to paint part of it again.  Even when I get that touched up, it's going to be far from perfect.  Very, very far.  We are not experts in sawing, sanding, nailing, painting or putting screws in.  Some pieces are crooked.  My daughter wanted to see what the stain would look like couldn't wait, and put a big splotch of stain in the middle of the top, thinking it would be easy to cover up later, but now that part's got 2 coats and the rest has 1 coat, so there's a splotch.   Anyway, it's mostly done.  It should only take about 5 minutes tomorrow to finish it.  Although our schedule is very busy tomorrow so it may end up being the next day.  Oh well.  We've given up on perfection at this point.   I think it would have been so much easier just to have built an island, rather than trying to remodel one.  It would look better too.   It might have even been cheaper in the long run.  

Anyway, now that we've been working on this one for a month, my daughter dares me to put it out in the trash.  "We're keeping it."  She said.  "This much work is not going to be for nothing." 

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