Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Uneventful days.

Thank goodness.  My fever did not go into a real flu episode, I have just felt kind of lightheaded and out of it for a couple of days.  I wonder if this could be what happened to my son last week?   He had a fever at the hospital of 100.8 or 100.9 which is too low to be counted officially as a fever, but high for him.  I wonder if this whole weird syndrome is what made him pass out?  I guess we'll never know. 

We're doing school and not too much else today.  We're going out to dinner with our small homeschool group and since I can't eat anything at Fazoli's because of gluten, I'm making myself some mexican style bean soup to take with me.  Sometimes I go and buy myself some soup at Chili's which is very gluten-free friendly, but tonight I thought I'd try making something. 

I also tried to work on my kitchen island re-do but it looks like I'm going to ask my husband for help on the sawing (as if he didn't have enough to do).  They wouldn't saw it at Lowes for me because of some health and safety regulation, something about particles in peoples eyes, so anyway, that project has to be tabled for today.  I still feel kind of weak or something, so maybe that's a good thing?


  1. I am so glad you had an uneventful day. You've had too much excitement lately! How is your son feeling?

  2. He's doing okay, thanks for asking. He's had several uneventful showers!
