Thursday, May 13, 2010

Whiny Thursday.

Not too much going on today.  I got the computer moved over to my Mom's but I don't have to work today so I haven't tested it out to make sure it all works.  I may go back over there in a bit and make sure I can transmit, etc. but I don't want to.  I have felt like a big old whiny baby all day.   I just don't want to do anything. I've been feeling sorry for myself.  It's not pretty but there it is.  One reason is that the only place the cable guy could hook up the cable at my Mom's house was in my Dad's den, so that's where I'll be spending 4 hours a day, sitting there looking at his stuff, his glasses, his pens, his books and videos, the calendar that is perpetually stuck on January 2010.  I've needed a lot of down time today. This has been characteristic of this whole stressful year for me.  When I have to get up and do something, sit with someone in the ICU or the surgical waiting room, stay all night in the ER, attend a funeral, call 911, go to physical therapy (3 times a week) or to the neurologist, the spine specialist, the ankle specialist or the pain management clinic, I do it, but when I don't have anythng scheduled,  I just stop.  I've done a lot more stressful stuff this year and that seems to need to be balanced out with a lot more down time.  More TV than usual.  More computer time than usual.  Less housework than usual (my family's been picking up some of that slack, thank goodness). I would love to get back to more of an even keel and I sincerely hope that with my son's therapy now going to 2 days a week, my mom only having 2 more pain management treatments, the second memorial service getting done and overwith, that sometime in June, I will be able to.  Fortunately for us all, the kids are very, very good at doing their own schoolwork now, even Mr. 11-year-old has been seen to be planning and executing his own work schedule, which is a miracle I thought I'd never see.

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