Monday, May 10, 2010

A blank day!

I have nothing on my calendar today.  Not one doctor's appointment.  Not one physical therapy appointment because that's been changed to only twice a week.   I'm so happy to have a day on the calendar I can plan.  I am probably going to clean the house and go see my mom but that's not the point.  The point is, I get to choose!  If I want to get absolutely crazy and go see a movie or go shopping this afternoon, I can, as long as I'm home in time for work tonight, of course.  I can't get too wild.  :-)  Still.  What a feeling.   First I'm going to linger over my coffee for a while and read my book.  (I've already been lingering over it for an hour and it's getting cold so I may have to warm it up before I linger over it a while longer.)  Then I'll get up, do my exercises, clean the house (the basics) and then decide whether I'm going to do some deep cleaning, work on an inside project or work outside.  Sometimes, I spend too much time trying to decide what to do when I'm faced with a blank day that I defeat the whole purpose, so I'd better watch out for that!

1 comment:

  1. I do exactly the same thing! Ha Ha! When I face a blank day like that, I spend most of the day trying to decide what to do, then next thing I know, the day is over....
