Friday, April 30, 2010

We're home.

He did get to come home last night.  We're all exhausted and the boy, Dad and I are very sore, him from his fall, Dad from picking him up from his fall and me from falling in the back yard while trying to show EMS the best way in.  I tripped over my new tomato/pepper garden edging.  So we don't know why he passed out.  He was checked for heart problems, blood clots, seizures and all kinds of things, but all the tests were negative.   This may be due to his inactivity after ankle surgery and may have just been a drop in blood pressure.  Anyway, we take the heart monitor back to the cardiologist today and we'll follow up with his regular doctor next week. 

If I didn't have to drive 100 miles today to take that monitor back, I'd be taking a nap right now. 

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