Monday, April 12, 2010

Not sure what to do.

Our oldest son has finished some subjects and I'd like to add some others in.  I don't know what though.  I'd like to schedule his next clep test, but I'd really like to make sure that he'll be able to walk by then because he will have to walk to the building where the testing center is, so I'll need to wait to schedule that after he sees the doctor again.  He's going this week to see his doctor for a postop check and my mom's going to a back surgeon for a preop evaluation.  If she has her surgery soon, I'm not sure how I'm going to manage her hospitalization, recovery and physical therapy with my son's continuing recovery and physical therapy, my work and school.  I guess instead of getting my son something else to study, we need to work really hard on the biology that we already have. 

I've been reading a book called Switch about making hard changes and I've realized that I need to think back when things were working well with school, exercise and household management and try to use the system that was working then, instead of the system I'm using now, which is not planning anything and not getting anything done.  That's not working out all that well for some reason. 

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