Wednesday, April 07, 2010

If I were in a better mood,

I'd write a hilarious blog post about my day, the oversleeping, taking mom to the doctor (more on that in a minute), spilling coffee (again! but not on anything valuable this time), and how the salsa jumped out of the fridge and attacked me, how the one street that I needed to turn on was missing the street sign ... I could go on and on.  Unfortunately, I don't want to.   I'll just stick with the facts today and save the hilarity for another day.

I took my mom to the back doctor finally and he wants to do surgery.  He says that it is a pretty common procedure and he does it all the time.  Mom will have to go see his partner next week before we get it scheduled and make sure, I guess, that he concurs that she needs surgery.  Anyway, that's one of those visits done.

Oldest son is doing fine.  He's off the pain medications. He still can't walk worth a hoot with the crutches so he's keeping the walking to a minimum, just to the bathroom and back.   He has 4 people to wait on him for everything else he needs.  Every time he gets on his feet to go though, I get the urge to yell "He's on the move, duck and cover everybody!" because he is so reckless! 

We're doing spring break this week.  We've attended 2 of the library's activities for the tweens, first a crafts class which was kind of unimaginative and then a really fun improv class.   I will count those hours as school hours, so this week won't be a total loss.  I may even do the TAKS tests with the younger 2 kids starting tomorrow.   I don't know.  I wanted to work on my kitchen island redo today, but it's going to rain and the first part of the plan involved painting and staining wood out on the deck so that's probably out.  I'll recheck the weather forecast, just in case.

In case you're wondering what an improv class is, the kids played all kinds of games, where they each told one word of a story, they tied themselves in a human knot, did charades and my favorite game (of these), 3 headed expert.  Then 3 people get in the front and they have to answer questions about the subject they are experts in, but each of them can only say one word.  My son participated in an expert panel about penguins who wear flip flops, which was very funny.  He's a natural with improv because he thinks of things so fast.  They even drafted me into an expert panel on rainbows and for one of my words I got to say ROY G BIV.  Fun. 

I've been reading a book on Celiac Disease (gluten intolerance) and the more I read the more I am becoming convinced that several other members of my family are affected by it, mostly because of the long list of autoimmune diseases that are in my family and are also linked somehow to celiac:  Raynaud's phenomenon, Sjogren's syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  Now to try and convince them ... ?  I feel like a messenger with a very unwelcome message.   I went to whole foods today to try and find a good tasting bread substitute but I didn't find the one brand I was looking for.  I bought something else and i guess we'll see, when it thaws out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Just a thought for your son, Dylan used a walker instead of the crutches and it worked out so much better. Don't know if you can borrow one, or get on from doctors, but it might be worth it!!!
