Monday, April 05, 2010

A good weekend, but.

We had a nice Easter celebration.  We got up early and went to church, then to my in-law's house for a wonderful lunch and then to my mom's for dinner.  The kids enjoyed their Easter baskets and I did not feel tired as I would have before I went on my gluten free diet.  I'm like a new person, without aching legs, aching skin, constant headaches and overwhelming fatigue.  It was like I've been being slowly poisoned and now I'm recovering.  I think this will be a permanent change.   I do miss yeast rolls, toast and crackers, but I can't imagine that the physical price I'd have to pay for eating one of those would ever be worth it. 

And now we come to the "but".  But, I've been in a bad mood off and on.  A really bad mood.  Sigh.  I hope I can figure out a way to shake this off pretty soon.

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