Friday, March 05, 2010

This and that.

I started reading Unclutter Your Life in One Week and I got about 40 pages in. It's kind of the same old "a place for everything and everything in its place". So far, it doesn't offer any new, wonderful ideas for getting these things put back in their places. I don't know if I'll finish it or not. I like The House That Cleans Itself better so far. It seems more approachable and realistic. Still I haven't finished this book yet and I still might, so if it gets really good later, I'll re-review it and let you all know. After a few minutes with that book, I picked up A Perfect Mess and read this quote "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk?" Albert Einstein. Okay, so far, I really like this book. You should see my desk sometime, then you might understand my brain function a little bit better ... I may have to get this in a wall quote and hang it over my husband's desk too. There's more than one cluttered mind in this house.

Anyway, speaking of brain function, yesterday, my youngest son was giving answers to some kind of math problems during a conversation that the kids were having. Then someone asked him a division problem and he said "I'm a human calculator without a division button". He's not fond of division, can you tell? He said a couple of other funny comments yesterday, but of course I can't think of them now while I've got my blog compose window open. If I think of them later, I'll share.

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