Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring fever or something like it.

The days have been so pretty lately.  It makes me want to start spring cleaning.  It also makes me want to go outside on walks, do some gardening, sit in the sun and go to a park and feed the ducks.  Which reminds me of a funny feeding the ducks story .(They say when you get old, everything reminds you of a story ... )  Anyway, we used to go to a neighboring town and feed ducks breadcrumbs and it was a lot of fun.  One night when my older 2 kids were occupied with something, the youngest and I decided to try and feed a flock of ducks we'd seen at a local park.  We got some bread crumbs and got out of the car.  Immediately, I could kind of tell these weren't ducks that were used to being hand fed by humans as they were giving us wary looks.  Then my son started throwing bread crumbs and all you-know-what broke loose.  I can imagine the ducks thoughts "Humans!"  "Wow the humans are coming REALLY CLOSE!  Eeek they're THROWING THINGS AT US!"   "Fly away!"  "Fly Away!"  It was quite funny to me, although my son was disappointed.  We went a few weeks later and fed the more domesticated ducks. 

The point is, I want to do springy things, outside, not school and not my job. 

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