Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not an auspicious beginning to my day.

Acid reflux woke me at 5:00 a.m. because I had forgotten to take my Prilosec in the window of time that I have to take it.  It has to between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m.  for some reason.  I took it at 11:00 but it was too late.  So anyway, I woke up at 5:00 a.m. feeling pretty yucky.  I took some Tums but it didn't work all that well.  Since I was up, Max decided that he needed to go outside (of course).  I put him out on the lead and sat down to read a book, since there was no point in trying to sleep.  After about half an hour, I opened the front door and called him and heard him whimper.  He gets the lead caught in something occasionally.  I always hope it's not at 5:30 am, but sometimes it is.  So I put on a pair of flip flops, grabbed a flashlight and headed out into the pre-dawn darkness.  After a couple of minutes, I located him wrapped up in some briars at the side of the yard.  I'm not sure how he even stretched the lead over that far.  He was very well tangled I couldn't get the lead out of the briars without unhooking him first.  As soon as he was loose, he was GONE.  He ran off to have an adventure in the neighborhood, while I finished untangling the leash.  He was gone for a couple of hours.  I was sick for a couple of hours.  Finally, he came up on the back deck and I got him back in and went back to sleep for a while.

Not a great beginning for the day, but I guess it could be worse.

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