Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Homeschooling today.

We didn't get a lot of school done today.  I had the kids do their priorities and then we spent the afternoon working on the laundry room project.  I just really NEED to work on the house right now.  I don't know if it is a spring thing, somekind of female thing or what, but I just NEED the house to be in better order.  We got a lot done in the laundry room today.  Now I just need my husband to put up some hooks and shelves because he seems to be the only one that can put things on the wall and have them actually stay up there.  I do feel better having the work done.  We may be doing biology and grammar right on through July and August but hey, we can do that.  We homeschool for flexibility right?

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. I think it is both a spring thing and a female thing...
