Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We took a vacation.

We really did! We took kind of a spur of the moment trip to Cincinnati. I was inspired by another blogger Perri's winter jaunt, but the state park that they went to was completely booked, so we went to a hotel in Cincinnati with an indoor water park and visited the Air Force museum in Dayton. It was a very nice relaxing trip, but I am exhausted now and it's good to be home. Isn't that funny how we want to go someplace else and then we so want to come home?

And just so you know, the day that we were in the museum definitely counts as a school day. :-P


  1. We recently went to that same museum. It probably counts as two school days! The first official school week in California, we took our children to a waterslide park thinking it would be empty. Guess what we saw there? School buses that filled the parking lot! Yes, the school system had arranged a trip to the waterslide park as a "field trip". So, that counts as a school day, too!

    I am so glad you got to take a mini-vacation.

  2. The state park is having the same special beginning November 29th through Feb. next year. We are planning on going back at the beginning of December.

    Glad you had fun.
