Friday, February 26, 2010


going on vacation did not refresh me the way I had hoped.  I came home so exhausted that it made the next couple of days more difficult.  Still, we've managed to get school done this week.  Most of us, that is.  The youngest has to get going today and get all of today's and part of yesterday's school done so that he won't be grounded for the weekend.  I took my son to the doctor yesterday to see about his ankle and he is going to have to have surgery on his ankle.  Unfortunately the doctor hes' been seeing for the last couple of months does not do these arthroscopic ankle surgeries himself but has referred us to yet another specialist.  My mom went to the back doctor yesterday as well and was referred to not one, but two other specialists.  I'm starting to think the specialists around here have some kind of referral/copay racket going on. 

Did you all see the warnings against excessive sitting recently?  I just read this one.  Stand up while you read this.  I really need to get another job, something that involves walking. 

1 comment:

  1. I know I sit too much during the winter.

    Too bad your vacation wore you out.
