Sunday, January 24, 2010

Update on Dad.

He's still in the ICU but he is off of the ventilator.  Please pray he is able to stay off it and get his strength back up.  Thanks for thinking of us, everyone. 


  1. Thats great news to hear. Hang in there. Covering you and your family in our prayers.

  2. So sorry about your dad. I hope he recovers soon. I really enjoyed your post about how you do math. My kind of teaching! I also like to make whatever we learn, as practical as possible. Keep it up!
    P.S. I like Julia and Julie, but was a bit irritated with the VERY TALL Julia. Went to see Avatar with my son for his birthday - now that's definitely NOT my cup of tea. I can admire the imagination, the photography etc., but it is just not my scene.

  3. Thankful that he is off the ventilator. Keep on trusting.
