Thursday, January 21, 2010

It is always something.

Yes it is.  I've been struggling to make new line count quotas that have been put in place by my company and today I lost 95% of my dictionary on my Shorthand word expansion program.  This ought to be called My Right Hand because it's about that valuable to me.  Now, the only dictionary entries are from aa to ad, which I'm just guessing is 5%, probably closer to 1%.  I'm SO frustrated.  I've got an email in to the company that produces it and I hope they can help me.  If I have to rebuild my whole dictionary again, word, by word, I'll never make my line counts. 

I apologize for the whining.  Sometimes I just need to vent.

I'm going to go now and have a bowl of chocolate ice cream and quite possibly cry.
(I actually typed BOWEL the first time, appetizing mental image --- that's an occupational hazard.)

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything works out okay and you can get back all the info. you lost!
    Best Wishes,
