Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Hey, what do you know?

Yesterday was a pretty good day homeschooling too.  I'm sure its the fact that we haven't started math yet.  :-)  But we have to start it next week.  :-(   We've been enjoying the grammar and the biology after our long break from both.  I' m kind of feeling overwhelmed at the moment, by the housework and everything I need to do.   I'm working this morning because I need to take my son to youth group tonight and that runs into my work time so I've got to do morning work and I have been typing a podiatric surgery for an hour.  The doctor just goes on and on and on and on.  (I took a little break to type this blog post!).  Anyway, hopefully school will go well and we will make progress on the cleaning/organizing and all the other projects we have going on around here and maybe by this afternoon I can feel more encouraged.

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