Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve.

And guess what?  I've got one more present to get.  We got them out and looked at them all and my daughter was 1 short.  Oh well.  Today's another day.  We've got 4H and it's a cookie bake and a Christmas party and it will probably be a lot of fun.  I hope so.  I might take some gluten free flour and make some cookies for me.  I've already exceeded my Christmas weight loss goal by 4 pounds so I might as well party! 

I wasn't kidding about that math thingy yesterday.  I really do need suggestions.  Anyone? 


1 comment:

  1. We are done getting presents only got a couple for our kids and a couple from Santa.

    Need to get to making ginger bread cookies tonight and pumkin cookies tomarrow to take to family for christmas.

    Merry Christmas!

