Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You know how I love these!

It's a blank day on the calendar, a blank day on the calendar, oh yeah.  I almost want to burst into song.   I'm doing my morning list this morning and finally getting to pay attention to the housework that I've been neglecting all weekend.  Friday I went shopping, then work, then Saturday work, then Harvest Party, then Sunday, work, work, work and yesterday, I finally got the grocery shopping done and got reaquainted with my parents whom I hadn't seen for quite a while and now, today, I get to do things I need to do.  It's not that I'm excited about cleaning the house, but I am going to be glad when it's clean.  Well, cleanish.  Cleaner anyway. 

After school is done, we may go to the library.  I really don't need to go, but I sort of want to.   I signed up to get their new book lists emailed to me and there are some interesting looking new items on there.  Plus, it's Tuesday, which is dollar scoop night at Baskin Robbins ...

Can you all believe how quickly the holidays are coming?  Yesterday when I was at the grocery store, they were playing Jingle Bells on the Musak.  I'm not ready.  I really have no idea what to get anyone and even more important, how to stretch the budget to fit it in.  My youngest started going through the Lego catalog and his total of what he wanted was 700 dollars on the THIRD page of the catalog.  I told him he better go ahead and close it now. 

Anywho, I'm off now to enjoy my unscheduled day!

1 comment:

  1. The neighbor was out the other day putting up his decorations. It was cute though, he has 3 kids under 5 and they were all bundled up following him all around "helping" dad.

    But yeah, I'm not ready for thanksgiving let alone Christmas!
