Sunday, November 29, 2009

Really, really, really.

I'm working this weekend. I really need to send in some more applications and try harder to get another job, but I really don't want to just jump out of the frying pan into the fire (again!), so I need to be careful what I choose. I'd really like to get out of the field of transcription and into writing, but I'm not sure how to do that. Really, I'd kind of like to see what's like to be unemployed. I went from school to work with not a break, other than when my oldest was a year old and I stayed home a while. During that time, I wrote a book, took a course in medical transcription and ended up babysitting for a friend's baby so I wasn't exactly idle ... my book was not published and was not really any good, but it was something I wanted to do so I did it. I'd like to be able to write novels, but I don't really think I have the gift. I do think of book ideas all the time. Maybe if I had a ghost writer. Or maybe I just need more self-discipline to sit down and write every day.

I've thoroughly enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, even if I did have to work, except I did not enjoy my stuffing today. I didn't do a good job making it. I really need to work on adapting the recipe or something. Other than that, it's been really nice. Tomorrow I get to go with the homeschool mom's group for our Christmas party. It seems a little early since it's still technically November, but I'm really hoping it will help get me more in the Christmas mood. I did write a Christmas list (for me, it has to be handwritten, not computerized) and just put the names on there, but no gift ideas because I don't have any. I'm sure I'll get inspired soon. Really.

* After I wrote this post, I looked back at it and realized how many times I'd used the word "really" and changed the name of the title from something about working on the weekend to this one. I think it fits, don't you? I REALLY need to work on my vocabulary!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    work on the stuffing, you will get it eventually
