Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve 2009

That's what we call it around here.  Thanksgiving eve.  I'm going to do a little bit of cooking today, make myself a gluten free sweet potato pie and also some stuffing without gluten.  I'm trying to make it to the 4 week mark on this diet and see if I feel better, but I do really think it's working.  I've been taking fewer naps and hurting less.  There are some things I'd really like to eat, like the broccoli soup that I made sure we were out of before I started this and then my husband re-stocked because he likes it too, so it's in there, calling to me and so far, I'm resisting, though it is not easy.  I haven't found a recipe that comes even close to Kroger brand cream of broccoli soup, but I have tried.  Maybe someday.

The son with the sprained ankle hasn't awakened yet.  I suspect the good pain meds he's on have something to do with that.  Hopefully it is way better today because the boy is not good with crutches.  At all. 

I don't think we'll do any school today.  We've discussed it.  The county schools are out today and since we've got one kid down with the sprained ankle, so we may skip it.  Or I may do a bunch of Thanksgiving-y activities with the younger two and call that a day.  I haven't decided yet.   Don't you love the way I plan things in advance? 


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying nice things--they are always appreciated! Now, bravo for you for staying gluten free!!! It is hard at first and for some, hard to see big changes, so I'm thrilled to see that you are already seeing improvements. I remember at about the three-month mark realizing that I was running up and down the stairs. I was no longer avoiding the stairs (and getting Mr. GFE to fetch things) or taking them one a time because of knee and foot pain--it was just gone! That was a happy day! The changes can be subtle on a daily basis though. Keep up the great work and we'll see what we can do about the broccoli soup issue. ;-) That's one of my faves, too, and I confess I haven't had it since going gluten free.

    Hope your son does much better today. I remember the sprained ankles with crutches days ...

    I chuckled when I saw your post title. That's exactly what we call it--Thanksgiving Eve! It draws out the joy a little longer. :-)


  2. Wishing you a Peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving!
