Friday, November 20, 2009

Movie Review.

We went on a field trip with the homeschool group to see Disney's A Christmas Carol starring Jim Carey. It was not well thought out. I should have known my children better and did more research. We don't have television anymore because of the whole digital TV thing and so I hadn't seen a preview, and I just didn't think when this movie was mentioned. I should have realized that it would be too scary/intense for my younger 2 kids or at least wondered if it was and checked it out. But I didn't. We just went. About 5 minutes in, I'm starting to get a vibe that this might not have been a good idea. It seems dark and forboding, not funny as I would have expected from a Disney/Jim Carey movie. Anyway, it was too scary for some and my youngest son got up and walked out. We spent some time in the theater lobby sitting on a bench. (While I'm thinking how much money I spent, having paid extra for the 3-D effects which gave me a headache which I still have 10 hours later.) We finally came back in and watched the happy ending. Later on, we were talking about something else and I said something I wish I hadn't done and my daughter said "I wish we hadn't seen that movie." My older son did like it and really enjoyed the 3-D effects. I just wish I'd read a review like this one.

This is totally my fault. I hope my youngest can sleep tonight.



  1. That is a BIG bummer and thank you so much for posting this. My daughter is going to see this movie tomorrow as part of a birthday party for one of her friends. My kids are very sensitive to intense/scary movies, too, so maybe I will stick around the theater if she needs to leave. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks so much for the review. If your son had trouble with it, I'm sure Violet would too. She did not care for a theater production we saw of it last year. I thought it was great, but she was scared. I think we'll pass on this one.

    Hope the night was nightmare free!
