Monday, November 02, 2009

Love it!

We got our materials from the Freshwater Fred Lending Library today. Excellent. All free and it includes a list, when it is due back to them and a postage paid shipping envelope to send it all back. No cost to us. How cool is that? Since I'm teaching the 4H science class on birds, we got Eyewitness videos about birds, video, computer games about birds, a complete unit study curriculum about aeronautics from NASA, which looks like it would cover a few weeks of science. I probably will add some of the experiments in it into the 4H classes, if we get time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you guys found some cool stuff to use! I have 2 videos on women inventors for as soon as Violet is up and about and we can have her Girl Scout girlfriend over to watch them.

    Three cheers for Fred!
