Sunday, November 15, 2009


I can't think of a title. We've had kind of a busy weekend around here. I've been tired because of not sleeping (it's a long story) but not feeling horrible and aching all over since I went gluten free last week. I think it might be the way to go for me. I also think I'm doing pretty well with it. There is gluten in so many things that it's not easy sometimes to figure out what to eat, but plenty of yummy things are gluten free naturally so I don't feel deprived or anything - - - most of the time. Last night, we had a harvest party with the homeschool group and there were some things that were a little bit difficult to resist, but I just thought about all the muscle pain that I'm not having and that made it easier. When Thanksgiving gets here, I may have to try and make myself some gluten free gravy and stuffing. :-0

Have I mentioned lately that I love my homeschool group? This has been one of the best things about homeschooling - finding this group. It took a while but it was so worth it. A good homeschool group gives support, gets together to do classes, gets field trips at cheaper group rates, can use Boxtops for Education, and Pizza Hut Read to Succeed, but most of all, they provide friendship for the parents and the kids.

Anyway, I'm working tonight and I'd better get started!


  1. It's true that a good homeschool group is an encouragement and a financial necessity for homeschoolng!

  2. I am glad your new way of eating is working for you, keep up the great work! Nothing worth doing is easy. I wish I had a good home school group to go to I am still looking we are with a home school program and do get to attend classes and feild trips free or really cheap so that is great. Home school is so much more free like really living and being a family!

    From Joanne
