Thursday, October 29, 2009

Updates - Two things I'm not doing well. Okay. Three.

1.  I'm not doing well on my gluten free diet adventures, although I'm doing pretty good losing weight.  I really want to go gluten free to see if it helps with my chronic fatigue.  I guess you could say I'm in the research stage.  I've been working on having a few meals that are gluten free.  I'm looking at ways to modify all my recipes.  I've printed out a list of gluten free foods by brand name that hopefully I can use tomorrow to grocery shop and maybe, possibly this week will be the week.

2.  I'm not doing well on getting the kids to bed earlier and getting up earlier.  Last night, I took my son to a youth event and then didn't get home until 8:00 pm so I had to work later to make up that time and since the kids didn't get to sleep until after midnight I let them sleep pretty late this morning. 

It's always something.

3.  I'm not doing well with my exercise routines, even though it's only a 3 minute routine.  I've been skipping it the last few days.  Pitiful.   Sad really.  The kids are doing the 90 second fitness routine thingy and have been doing well with it, so I guess that's something.


  1. I can totally relate. The going to bed, getting up early thing, I know, it's so hard to get into a new routine. I finally accepted the fact that I am NOT an early riser. I work late into the night and getting up early is just not for me in this season of life. And the exercise thing, I KNOW! I have a 15 minutes stretching video that really helps my back, but am I faithful? No! Why? I know I will feel better, I know I NEED to do it. I'm weak. :) Try again tomorrow, every day is new beginning.
